In the past, Google typically launched a new Android version alongside its flagship Pixel phones. However, this year, the company broke the pattern by releasing the Pixel 9 early, still running the 10-month-old Android 14. A recent report hinted that Google wouldn’t roll out Android 15 to Pixel devices next month as it is focused on improving its stability. Now, Google has accidentally confirmed this.
October is indeed the month Android 15 is coming
A new report reveals that Google has updated the release notes for the Android Beta Exit OTA (over-the-air update), which is sent to devices when they leave the Android beta program. The notes clearly state that Android 15 is set to drop in October.
The release notes now advise users waiting for the Android 15 stable update to “ignore this OTA until Android 15 is available in October.” Since this info comes directly from Google, it pretty much locks in that the Android 15 update for Pixels will hit in October.
The updated notes advise users to ignore the OTA until Android 15 is available in October.
Though October is confirmed, the exact date when Google will start rolling out the update remains a mystery. Fingers crossed, it is earlier in the month rather than mid-October, as some rumors have suggested. The Android 15 stable update is expected to be available for all Pixel phones, starting from the Pixel 6 series onward.
Google apparently held off on launching Android 15 with the Pixel 9 series in August to prioritize platform stability. New Android versions often come with bugs at launch, but this time, Google wants to avoid that with Android 15. So, the tech giant is taking extra time to iron out any issues, which seems like the smarter move if you ask me. After all, it is better to have a smooth release, even if it means waiting a bit longer, right?
Tsveta, a passionate technology enthusiast and accomplished playwright, combines her love for mobile technologies and writing to explore and reveal the transformative power of tech. From being an early follower of PhoneArena to relying exclusively on her smartphone for photography, she embraces the immense capabilities of compact devices in our daily lives. With a Journalism degree and an explorative spirit, Tsveta not only provides expert insights into the world of gadgets and smartphones but also shares a unique perspective shaped by her diverse interests in travel, culture, and visual storytelling.
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