Apple has extended the period in which its customers can extend their AppleCare+ coverage after it expires. Apple originally allowed coverage to be extended in the 30 days following the expiration of the original AppleCare+ plan. The period has now been extended to 45 days.
As first noted by MacRumors, the AppleCare+ extension support document, Apple says that its customers have 45 days to sign up for a new AppleCare+ plan after existing coverage expires, offering options for extending the plans by 24 months, 36 months, monthly, or on an annual basis until canceled by the customer.
In Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States:
If you paid upfront for an AppleCare+ plan for your iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch, you might be able to purchase new coverage that renews monthly or annually.
If you paid upfront for an AppleCare+ plan for your Mac, you might be able to purchase new coverage that renews annually.
Purchase the new coverage within 45 days after your original coverage ends. To find out if you can purchase the new coverage, go to and follow the onscreen instructions. The new coverage automatically renews until canceled.
Your plan coverage may continue beyond 24 or 36 months, on a monthly or annual basis, until canceled.
Customers who want to renew their expired AppleCare+ plans can go to Apple’s support website to see if their devices are eligible.
Customers can check their AppleCare+ expiration dates can be checked in the Settings app on an iPhone or iPad, in the System Settings app on a Mac, or on Apple’s website.
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