
Previous iPhone SE models

iPhone SE 4 rumored to be first Face ID iPhone under 0

A new leak claims that Apple may increase the price of the forthcoming iPhone SE 4, but that it is working to keep it at no higher than $499.

When the on, off, and on again iPhone SE 4 finally comes to market — possibly in early 2025 — there’s no doubt that it will be a lower-cost model than the rest of the range. But a new leak claims that while Apple is working to constrain the price, there could be an increase over the current model.

iPhone SE 4 Price Rumors:

– The US launch price will either remain at $429 or see an increase of around 10%.

– Even if the price increases, the maximum target is to stay within $499.

— J. Reve (@Revegnus1) May 19, 2024

A 10% increase would see the iPhone SE 4 rise from its current $429 to approximately $472. That would mean that the iPhone SE would be $327 less than the base iPhone 15, instead of $370 less.

The claim comes from the leaker @Revegnus1 on Twitter/X, also known as J. Reve (“I dream”). This is the leaker who made the similarly sketchy claim that the Apple Vision Pro 2 could be half the price of the original model.

There is a possibility that @Revegnus1 is a new name for the previous @Revegnus, which had at least a longer reputation for leaks. But there’s no proof of that, nor even any claim where the pricing information is said to have originated.

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