
The AMD Ryzen CPU logo.

(Image credit: AMD)

According to several reports by @momomo_us and @harukaze5719, an AMD shipping manifest spilled the beans on a plethora of new Zen 5 CPUs, including desktop and mobile variants. The manifest reveals that AMD is working on new , 170W Zen 5 Granite Ridge CPUs, 128W Zen 5-based Strix Point APUs (possibly called Strix Point Halo), and a mysterious new mobile lineup codenamed Fire Range sporting up to 16 Zen 5 cores and a 55W TDP. Zen 5 should arrive later this year to take on the best CPUs for gaming.

These shipments are most likely engineering samples rather than production-ready models. Regardless, the manifest confirms that development on these CPUs is well underway. Starting with APUs, there are five total SKUs: three Strix Point and two Fire Range models. The Strix Point chips encompass Ryzen 7 and Ryzen 9 models with 128W TDPs featuring B0 steppings, so these are desktop parts. The Fire Range chips consist of 8-core and 16-core SKUs, also featuring a B0 stepping but with a much lower 55W TDP.

The shipping manifest also has several Granite Ridge models, one sporting six cores and a 105W TDP with an A0 stepping. There are also a pair of eight core 170W chips listed with a B0 stepping listing, but a codename wasn’t given. We suspect these are also Granite Ridge CPUs.

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Granite Ridge is the codename for AMD’s next-generation desktop CPU lineup based on the Zen 5 CPU architecture. AMD hasn’t said much officially on Zen 5 (yet), but based on previous leaks it appears Zen 5 will have a 15% IPC improvement over Ryzen 7000 (Zen 4). Much of this improvement will purportedly come from architectural design changes on the cores themselves.

One noteworthy takeaway from the leak is that Zen 5 will be the first AMD architecture to put 16 cores in a single CCD, making a potential 32-core mainstream AM5 flagship possible. However, the shipping manifest does not highlight any potential 32-core Granite Ridge CPUs, so take this potential design change with a pinch of salt.

Strix Point is the codename for AMD’s next-generation Zen 5 mobile CPUs, aimed at replacing the Ryzen 8040 series. Strix Point will purportedly arrive with up to twelve cores, featuring a mixture of Zen 5 and Zen 5c cores. It will also have AMD’s XDNA 2 neural processing unit (NPU), with an upgraded graphics engine sporting an enhanced RDNA 3 architecture currently dubbed as “RDNA 3.5”.

The interesting tidbit from the shipping manifest is that these purported Strix Point APUs have an extremely high 128W TDP, which is way higher than any of AMD’s outgoing NPU-enabled Ryzen mobile CPUs, including the Ryzen 7040 series and Ryzen 8040 series. This implies these 128W chips could be Strix Point Halo, an off-shoot of Strix Point featuring a chiplet-based design and substantially more beefy integrated GPU.

The most mysterious SKUs on the shipping manifest are the Fire Range CPUs. We haven’t heard of this codename before, but these chips are supposed to be the Zen 5 version of Dragon Range, an outgoing CPU lineup of Ryzen 9 79xxHX series mobile CPUs sporting 16 cores on a chiplet-style architecture. We can’t be sure of the details, but it’s not surprising that AMD would want to put 16 Zen 5 cores on mobile, just as it did with Zen 4.

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Aaron Klotz is a freelance writer for Tom’s Hardware US, covering news topics related to computer hardware such as CPUs, and graphics cards.

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