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MPOW H17 Review: Bluetooth Noise Canceling Headphones under $50

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MPow is one of the brands that does a delicate balance with delivering quality products for low prices. One of the latest headphones from MPow, the H17, are Bluetooth noise canceling headphones in a very affordable package. Alright let’s dissect these.

Very quickly, let’s see what’s in the box. You have the 3.5 mm cable, Micro USB charging cable, a bag to store the headphones, user manual and the headphones.

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Checking out the design of the MPow H17, they feature an all-black design — which look pretty good.  The earmuffs fit very comfortably over the ear and have very soft cushions surrounding the earcups. Thanks to the cushions on the earcups and on top of the headband, they are very comfortable to wear for long periods of time. Not once did I ever think to myself that these headphones are uncomfortable.  MPow has done a great job of designing a light, sleek and very comfy pair of headphones.  These headphones also have good build quality. Now they these aren’t the sturdiest pair of headphones out there but for $30, they are definitely sturdy enough to handle everyday use.  In the design department, the only mild issue I have is adjusting them.  While they have many levels and can fit any size head, I wasn’t able to easily slide them to a specific size if needed. For me though, I can set them on the lowest and I’m fine.  If you have an extremely large head or a lot hair, just be careful stretching them out all the way.



MPOW H17 Review: Bluetooth Noise Canceling Headphones under $50As mentioned before, these are active noise canceling headphones. Now to be fair, this feature behaves pretty much like I would expect a $30 pair of noise canceling headphones would.  They only dim low whirling or ambient background noise.  For instance, if the air conditioning is running or you have a fan on, then that those noised seem to be canceled out or greatly reduce.  I would not turn to these if you are looking for some piece and quiet from everything around you.  I will say that while you are actively listening to something with noise canceling on, it does a better job of reducing the noise around you to some extent. Do note that if you want enhanced noise canceling, you will have to turn to a more expensive pair of noise canceling headphones. But for $30 bucks, I’ll say it gets a pass.

One cool feature is the ability to quick charge. Let’s say your headphones are dead and you’re about to get a workout in and you need your music, no problem just a quick 10 minutes on the charger will give you 2 hours of battery power, more than enough to complete your workout.  On a full charge these headphones should last up to 30 hours.  Basically, charge it fully once and it should be good to last you for the week of normal use.  All the main controls are located conveniently located on the right earcups along with the USB charging port.  On the left earcups, you will find the noise cancelling switch and 3.5 mm jack for when you want to use the wire. The buttons are adequately spaced so you know which one your pressing.

So far, we have covered the design of the headphones which is simple, functional and sleek. The all black color scheme works well and gives them a modern look. We also covered a couple of good features like quick charge and long battery life.


MPOW H17 Review: Bluetooth Noise Canceling Headphones under $50Now, the last thing to cover is of course the sound. For a $30 pair of headphones, I could just say its’ good, but of course that will not suffice so I got details.  The Mpow H17 offer good sound and performance across the spectrum. Now again, for $30 dollars, these aren’t going to compete with higher end headphones. But listening to music I was not at all disappointed by the sound.  Vocals came through with no problem. The best part of the sound is the bass which is well represented but not over emphasized like most cheaper headphones. While, the call quality was adequate and got the job done, I would not use these for a long or very important conversation.

Mpow once again delivers a solid pair of headphones at a very affordable price.  Good build quality, solid design and comfortable earcups allow them to be worn for extended periods. Good sound and excellent bass for anyone who listens to bass heavy music. Even though the noise canceling isn’t the best, its still reduces low sounds like fans and air conditioning. For $30 bucks, the Mpow H17 come highly recommended and would function great as your primary pair of headphones. Without a doubt, if you are looking for a budget pair of over the ear headphones that perform well, you will be hard press to find a better performing pair of headphones in this price range.

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